How to Make a Festive Ice Ring for Your Holiday Punch

by Occasions Caterers 

We recently celebrated the opening of the newest location of Salt & Sundry (1625 14th St NW) -- you may be wondering, "don't they already have a 14th st location?". Their 1401 S St location has been converted into an adorable plant based store called, The Little Leaf. As we were perusing the new store finding gifts for the holidays like True Syrups tonic and the Hartwood cookbook we loved the festive ice ring in the self-service punch.

Hosting during the holidays can be stressful and a self-service bar station is a genius way to do prep and free up your time. So we reached out to Occasions Caterers, who made this punch set-up above to get the tips on this easy do-it-yourself hack. 

You essentially fill a bundt mold with filtered water + a fresh juice  and any fruits and garnishes you’d like for the punch and let it sit in the freezer for a minimum of 6 hours. The longer the better. Obviously sliced fruit and fresh herbs work great but whole spices and edible flowers are also good options too. Juices change the color of the ice and help to not dilute the punch! Very important! 

Pro tip: run warm water along the outside of the pan to help loosen the ice mold. It should then come out easily for you to slip into the punch.